We are located at 42 Fowler Road
Northbridge MA 01534
Contact Info:
Reverend Toni DiPina
Senior Deacon Bob Dick
Our church was founded by a local group of worshippers in 1879 who broke away from the original Northbridge Centre Church on Hill St. Our building was built by the Whitin Family on land donated by the Fowler family. In 1899 our current building was opened as a congregation for the people living in the Rockdale village of Northbridge. Please come down to Rockdale and visit us on Sunday mornings!!
Worship Service
All are welcome to attend services. We are a community church and are members of the United Church of Christ and the Northbridge Association of Churches.
Communion Service is held the first Sunday of every month.
Our Pastor, Rev. Toni DiPina serves up wonderful sermons based upon the readings in the Bible and presents them with real world association and a dash of humor.
Each Sunday we receive a new perspective on our faith and how it relates to everyday living, and what it means when God is still speaking to us.
Hello! Now that Advent, Christmas and New Year's are behind us, we are preparing for the Lenten season when we follow Christ's journey to the Cross.
Souper Bowl Sunday is coming up, we will be serving (in take home containers) soup and bread to anyone interested in having some on Sunday Feb. 9 from 11-1, please feel free to stop by!
Special services coming up:
Palm Sunday - April 13 10 AM
Maundy Thursday - April 17 7 PM
Easter Sonrise Service (at the Whitinsville Water Tower - junction of Hill St. and Benson Road) 6:30 AM
breakfast following service at the Church
Easter Sunday service - 10 AM
Reverend Toni DiPina - Pastor
401-487-6028 office hours by appt.
Mrs. Eileen Davignon - Organist Emeritus
Deborah Dansereau - Organist
Mr. Gene Keith - Church Committee Moderator
Mr. Robert Dick - Senior Deacon/guitarist
Mrs. Kristine Dick - Clerk/Sunday School Teacher
Mr. Kurt Lange - Treasurer
Mrs. Mary Ellen Keith - Parish nurse
Ms. Stacy Keyes - Sunday School Teacher
The Grass Roots Coffeehouse 2025 Concert Series lineup!